Saturday 19 August 2017

10 Rules to follow in designing an online ordering system for takeaway website which can’t be ignored

Targeting your local customers alone is out dated as we are living in and doing business in digital era. Regardless of the physical location, you want to bring customers to your tables. There arises the question of how to reach these customers? The best and easy way to reach your customers is making your presence online with the help of website. The listed below are top 10 rules need to keep in mind while designing your online ordering system for takeaway website.
1.      Target your eater
A successful website means understanding demographically where you are and also know who you are in business for. Target your customer and build the website experience they seek. A few questions need to remember about your customers.
  • How old is your eater?
  • How much do they spend?
  • What do you want them to tell their friends/family/colleagues about you?
  • How long do they want to sit for?
  • What does your eater need to know before coming in? How/when are they getting that information?
  • What would prevent them from visiting?
  • Why are you better than everyone else?

2.      Make your website navigation easy.

The key to success is the simple user experience of your website. There are many websites with best designs that vary immensely. Some websites have a navigation bar and others may have a single static page in which all their information is posted. Make information easy to access and not what you do. It sets you apart from others.

3.      Making a responsive website

Most of the customers do not access your website through a desktop. In fact, 75% of customers use their smart phones to access restaurant info on the go. Make a responsive website so that it may appear same on every platform. Make sure that all your pages must and should respond to different devices or it becomes uber difficult to navigate your site. Try to stay away from PDF images and menus as they are not scalable.

4.      Add a reservation form to your website

Around 26% of customers make a reservation of table. If you provide reservations, then never forget to add a reservation form in your website along with existing telephone reservations. Make sure to handle reservations in house or service it through open table which is accessible on your website.

5.     Make it easy to find your location

It is always important to your diners to locate you and make sure that you are in an achievable location. Never make them to dig deep into your website to find your address. It should be available upon landing on your page. It is better to provide a map which easily pinpoints your location relative to larger geographical area. It make easier to understand your location rather than having just your street address.

6.      Add images of your restaurant

“54% of restaurant customers find information about a restaurant they’ve never been to before.” Customers may look for photos when making a decision to eat or not at your restaurant. It is a good idea to include images that will illustrate their dining experience and also customers can get a vibe of your restaurant.

7.      Your menu is your bread winner

“67% of restaurant customers review a restaurant’s menu” if they are interested in their type of cuisine you offer and the experience you provide, they want to see your menu. It makes easy for you to sell them on your food and value.

“30% of restaurant customers search out nutritional information about menu items”. Most customers look for menu items, prices, and pick out restaurants that don’t accommodate dietary restrictions they may have. This is where you need to identify your eater. Your menu was made for your eater, so ensure at least for your target demographic.

8.      Add website maintenance to your job descriptions.

A website is imperative, so build a website that you can maintain. Website builders allow you to make quick changes whenever you need to. If you have the resources then there is no need to spend extra bucks on website maintenance. You can also add online brand maintenance to future job descriptions. Keep in mind that your staff is your primary brand ambassadors and also understand your target eater best.

9.      Promote your extended services on your website.

As restaurateurs, you need to cater more and more to meet the needs of your demographic, as well as the demand for your service. Most of the restaurants provide take-out and delivery options, while others use popular mobile apps to serve their menu outside their physical location. This is great news for your revenue line, you want to make sure you communicate that on your website and direct them to the order button.

10.  Nothing warms the heart like a good story.

It’s not only food you make that entices your customers, especially growing. Customers seek more personal connections with where they eat, which can be leveraged through a good story on your website.